Thursday, June 7, 2012

I went back to Korzo Haus. Again. The frequency of my visits to this restaurant is increasing at a somewhat alarming rate, I should slow down. You can only have a burger wrapped in fried bread so many times a year.

This is their veggie burger, the "haus vegi" which is a walnut-beet-black eyed pea patty, edam cheese, caramelized onion, pickled something (I think today it was celery), and dressed greens. Whoa, best veggie burger ever. When I get veggie burgers, I always have to prepare myself and remind myself that I'm NOT eating meat so I shouldn't expect something like it. And besides, that's not really what you want to taste when you get a veggie burger, I guess. But I always end up feeling confused on that first bite because the texture is off. Not this time!! It was so weirdly perfect at having this meat like texture, maybe because the patty was so fat? Maybe because of the beets?? I was really into the beet patty, a little bit sweet with the onions but then balanced so nicely with the cheese, and much better than too much black bean and corn.

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