Monday, April 15, 2013

carbs and cheese

Ah, carbs and cheese. My two favorite things in the world. Is there a more perfect pairing? Besides David Bowie and Iman.

This is the product of the only food I have in my apartment (really, the only food that wasn't molding): anchovies, onions, and pecorino romano. 

Ricotta and honey grilled cheese from Saxelby's in the Essex Street Market.

Pawlie Grilled Cheese, also from Saxelby's. Made with Pawlet cheese (from a farm in Vermont) and spicy Rick's Picks pickles. Spicy and tangy always pairs well with something heavy, like buttery bread and gooey, nutty cheese. But I've known that since I was in elementary school and loved eating my mac and cheese with cut up pickles. I'm not trying to take credit for this sandwich or anything, but you know, JUST SAYIN' 6 year old palate must have been seriously advanced. 


Mr. & Mrs. P said...

Looks delicious!

Sarah said...

I just want to say I love reading your blog!! I enjoy your descriptions and funny quips. :D Keep it up and thanks for the distraction!