One of our two 18 lb turkeys from Thanksgiving. This one was brined vegetable broth, ginger, salt, pepper, maybe something else. The first time it sat in the brine, most of the 2 gallons of it spilled all over my apartment floor. The other one was brined in Guinness. Luckily, that one didn't spill.

Plate of glory: mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, beets, other things, turkey obviously somewhere under all the other food. So many people, so much food, I don't think I even tried everything.

One of the 2 kinds of stuffing. I think this one was the apple pecan. The other was artichoke parmesean.
Then we lived off of turkey leftovers for the rest of the semester

Turkey curry and stuffing patties

turkey tacos

Turkey soup and quesadillas